!Important Notice!
Please note that deliveries are only possible within Germany. For international orders, please contact your respective local partner to proceed with your purchase.
Elabo universal test socket, Protection Class II.
Various symmetrical plugs from different countries in protection class II will fit in the test socket for safety and function tests.
Please note that the test socket does not provide sufficient electric shock protection.
For this reason it may only be used in conjunction with additional protection.
Two different versions are offered:built-in or detached.
W=120. D=80. H=85 mm
T E C H N I C A L D A T A :
Country variants: D/GB/USA/AUS/CH/I
Test voltage AC: max. 3000 V
Test voltage DC: max. 3500 V
PE conductor test current: max. 30 A AC
Function test current: max. 16 A AC
Lieferung nur innerhalb Deutschlands!
Für Bestellungen aus dem Ausland bitte den zuständigen Partner kontaktieren.
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