!Important Notice!
Please note that deliveries are only possible within Germany. For international orders, please contact your respective local partner to proceed with your purchase.
Set consisting of:
- 1x Power supply 180-260V/50/60 Hz / 12V, placed
in a modul-housing with integrated switch,
inclusive short connecting-cable with male
Both LED-Modules were mounted at the base carrier
or adapter by using a fixable ball head.
The Modules can be turned and rotated all around.
The mounting of the ball heads is possible at
different positions so that an optimal lightning
of the working place can be reached.
For mains connecting there are 2 possibilities:
1. An additional mains cable with female GST-18-
connector and mains plug (if required in
country specified version available, price on
request),see type C1-8V ZL200(German Standard)
2. The included short connecting-cable with male
GST-18-connector can be adapted to the
female GST-18-connector of an (ordered ?)
ELABO Multiple Socket System 60, type C1-8?
Power input:
2x 8WMains voltage
Color temperature:
Cold white/6000K
Mains supply:
180-260V AC 50/60Hz
Length of light
360 mm
Lieferung nur innerhalb Deutschlands!
Für Bestellungen aus dem Ausland bitte den zuständigen Partner kontaktieren.
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