!Important Notice!
Please note that deliveries are only possible within Germany. For international orders, please contact your respective local partner to proceed with your purchase.
- Installation in switch cabinets
- Only external supply of the DUT possible
- Testing in accordance with standards in conjunction with ELUTION software + standards licenses
- Max. 2 leakage current basic measuring circuits can be integrated (options)
(MD according to EN60990 B3/B4/B5, MD according to EN60601 MED B12, MD according to UL/CSA)
- Control and parameterization via Ethernet interface and protocol
- Variable test sequence, execution of the test (basic test steps) can be individually selected and deselected.
- Testing can be carried out in different operating modes and fault scenarios via basic test steps,
Predefined in standards files
Normal operation without fault,
Normal operation with N fault,
Normal operation with PE fault
Reverse polarity operation without fault,
Reverse polarity operation with N fault,
Reverse polarity operation with PE fault
- Adjustable test times and warm-up phases before performing the test
F ront panel connections (terminal blocks):
- External power supply (DUT)
- DUT connection, 1-phase, vi1, vi2
- Additional connections for tests in accordance with EN60601-1, MED
Connections on the underside:
- Mains connection (GST 18 chassis connector)
- External power supply 24VDC, max. 1A (fused) for digital I/O, RC, warning lamp (2-pin WAGO plug)
- Ethernet interface (RJ45 socket)
- Connection for warning lamp set 24VDC (M12 socket, 5-pin)
- RC remote control connection with display (15-pin D-SUB, female)
- Digital I/O connection (25-pin D-SUB, female)
- Including ELABO expansion module Digital I/O:
4 digital inputs: START, STOP, REMOTE, reserve6 digital outputs: test item iO, test item niO, system error, test in progress, pulse (250ms) for pneumatic test cover, ext. discharge via additional relay
Mounting: 6 holes for screwing to a mounting plate
Dimensions: 426mm (84TE) x 220mm x 235mm (W/H/D)
Weight: approx. 8.5kg
Lieferung nur innerhalb Deutschlands!
Für Bestellungen aus dem Ausland bitte den zuständigen Partner kontaktieren.
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