



94-1F Z1810 - ELABO-PE conductor and isolation tester for overhead monorails.

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ELABO - PE conductor and isolation tester for overhead monorails.

The tester is mounted in a sheet steel housing Type Rittal 1038600, powder coated RAL 7035 with mounting

plate for installation of the continuity and isolation test system.


Continuity test system:

The system supplies AC current max. 30A with a nominal voltage of 12V and is suitable for testing the protective earth conductor connection at overhead monorail systems. (Continuity test)
The test current will be compared with an adjusted value. Is the measured current higher than the adjusted value a Good Signal will be created.
To operate the unit there is an external voltage of 24V neccessary For a self test there is a test resistance included.

W = 380mm, D = 210mm, H = 380mm


Isolation resistance measurement:
The ISO test module is for measure the isolation resistance at overhead monorail systems with zero potential.
The measurement is according to the valid VDE/IEC regulations.
The test voltage is 500V DC (stabilized).
The current is limited to max. 3mA.
No furhter security procedures are necessary.
By using a trim-pot the limit Rmin can be set. If the measured resistance is lower than this limit a fault signal will be given out.
The isolation test will be startet at the same time as the continuity test by setting the "SET"-Input at the interface.
To operate the unit there is an external voltage of 24V neccessary


- 5 Indicator lamps(built-in the door)

- 1 SET internal push-button
(built-in the door)

- 1 Current transformer 30A

- 1 Power transformer 400V/50Hz +/-10% !!!

- 1 comparator board for Continuity-test

- 1 test resistant R1 (0,28Ohm)

- 1 Isolation-test module
test voltage: 500VDC/3mA

Measuring range:0..10/0..100MOhm
Push-buttons, Indicator lamps, switches,
Relays made by Siemens / Sirius.
Clamps made by Wago.
Warning notices are sicked on at the door.
The terminal points are at the lower side of the housing.

W = 380mm, H = 600mm, D = 210mm

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94-1F Z1810 - ELABO-PE conductor and isolation tester for overhead monorails.

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